Support the Project: February Server maintainance

See more on ourPartners Page!

Progress: $20/$100:

Discord Bot

Discord Bot Support

Personal support for bot integration

Bloody Threshold

Upcoming updates

Be first to know about new features

Lotro build

Part of the project

Decide future of the project with our team

Rust-stained Writing

Rust-stained Writing

Item Level: 1

'And so Thorog served, if but for a moment, and now the Gaunt-lords are banished and Thorog returned to death. You are defeated, Lord Sauron, and the hated Hrímil flies free... but not for long.'

Rust-stained Writing

LotroBuild discord bot share command:

Our Discord bot in your server!

LotroBuild bot allows you use all features from our project right from your discord server!

'And so Thorog served, if but for a moment, and now the Gaunt-lords are banished and Thorog returned to death. You are defeated, Lord Sauron, and the hated Hrímil flies free... but not for long.'

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Support the Project: February Server maintainance

See more on ourPartners Page!

Progress: $20/$100:

Discord Bot

Discord Bot Support

Personal support for bot integration

Bloody Threshold

Upcoming updates

Be first to know about new features

Lotro build

Part of the project

Decide future of the project with our team